About The Life Foundation

The Life Foundation | A Charitable organization dedicated to using the power of government and private philantropic institutions to help enhance people's lives.

Life Foundation

Building Better Lives

About the Life Foundation

The Life Foundation is a pioneering organization dedicated to collaborating with government entities at all levels, charitable organizations, and local community leaders. Founded by Catrin Howlett, the Foundation operates with the mission of unlocking the vast potential within government structures to drive positive change. By engaging in partnerships and leveraging technological advancements, the Life Foundation aims not only to reduce government facility costs but also to generate substantial support for charitable endeavors and programs that have a tangible impact on the lives of those in need.


Science, Medicine, and Protection

Founder's Vision and Origins

Catrin Howlett, inspired by his experiences in Ataraxia and Etheria, founded the Life Foundation to address global challenges through medical and technological solutions. Recognizing the world's deficiencies in technology, Catrin set out to pioneer innovative solutions, making significant strides in fields such as communications and medical technology.

In an interview, Catrin revealed, "With this world's low levels of technology, it was not hard to learn how to make super advanced stuff." His practical approach allowed him to invent groundbreaking technologies like phones and TVs, propelling the Foundation to become a global force.

Evolution of Branches

The Foundation's growth extended beyond technological innovations, encompassing branches such as the Medical Branch. The development of the Jumplink marked a turning point, leading to advancements in medical technology, notably the creation of the highly advanced MedPods. The Medical Branch, once a slower-growing sector, thrived under Catrin's focus on innovation.

The Foundation's expansion involved collaborative efforts, with thousands of individuals contributing to the development of various branches, including the FAA, Board of Education, and DNA/Genetics.

Specialized Branches and Mobile Task Force

As the Foundation diversified its efforts, specialized branches like Emergency Services, featuring units such as the Mobile Task Force, emerged. These units serve as the Foundation's enforcement arm, dedicated to upholding the law and protecting the organization's interests. Their work involves dealing with sensitive information and, in some cases, closely guarding Foundation secrets.

Commitment to Public Welfare

While the Foundation maintains certain secrets, it remains committed to connecting with the public and enhancing lives. Partnerships with governing bodies, including the CDI and UNSC, have allowed the Foundation to expand its influence and ensure additional manpower and protection. Strategic alliances contribute to the success of initiatives such as the Planetary Union, facilitated by the CDI.

Growth and Future Outlook

The Life Foundation has made significant contributions to LV 561, from educational enhancements to innovations in spacecraft technology. The organization continues to evolve, constantly seeking ways to improve lives and facing future challenges with preparedness. With a commitment to growth and adaptability, the Life Foundation remains steadfast in its mission: Building Better Lives.

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